Participation in International Symposium of the Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC) - towards strengthening multi-stakeholder collaboration -


On 13th February 2020, the Councilfor Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC) hosted an International Symposium at Keidanren Hall commemorating 30th anniversary of its establishment, and Koji Hyodo, director of FundraisingDivision of Save the Children Japan participated in this event as a panelspeaker.

・Chikako Miyata, CSR Promotion Vice President, ANA HOLDINGS INC. 
・Mitsu Shippee, General Manager, Head of CSR section, 
   SONY Corporate Communications & CSR Department
・Koji Hyodo Director, Fundraising Division, Save the Children Japan
・Masaru Arai, Chair of Japan Sustainable Investment Forum
・Takashi Inoue, Senior Managing Director, CBCC, Managing Director,
   Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
・Aron Cramer, President and CEO, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
・Gefei Yin, Founder and Chief Expert of GoldenBee
・Gabriele Lo Monaco, First Secretary, Trade Section,
   Delegation of the European Union to Japan
・Masao Seki, Steering Committee Chairman, CBCC, Senior Advisor on CSR,
   Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.
   Advisor on CSR, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.

Speakers from the corporations commented that active engagement in discussions with various stakeholders such as investors and civil society in the process of redefining corporations’ purposes/values and strengthening ESG initiatives provides them with the opportunity to know diverse range of specialized knowledge and perspectives that cannot be gained by companies alone.

One of the most impressive comment was the investor’s point of view that highlighted the potential role of investors in middle-to-long-term; that utilizing the information and data obtained and possessed by civil society on what are perceived as imminent social issues today while talking with companies can help enhance corporations to improve their business activities. 

In addition, some commented that it is important to make and measure the impact of activities implemented through multi-stakeholder collaboration.

Hyodo from Save the Children Japan stated the importance of clearly defining the role civil society can play in supporting sustainablecorporate activities, and of aiming to extend cooperation between NGOs/NPOs andcorporations beyond project-based donations towards long-term partnerships basedon clearly defined purpose of the partnership itself.

Save the Children Japan will continue disseminating such messages through similar opportunities where private sector and investors join discussions on solving social issues, with hope to enhance governments,corporations and civil society working together to solve social issues bytaking advantage of their respective characteristics and strengths.

It is essential that multi-stakeholders including governments, corporations and civil society work together to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). Save the Children is an organization specialized in supporting children in Japan and overseas, with experiences in strengthening partnerships between private sector and NGOs for several decades in Japan. Please feel free to contact us if you are looking for an organization that solves social issues surrounding the next generation of children.


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