
(Please scroll down for the English translation.)




A total pledge of US$ 2.4 billion were made at the One World Protected AMC Vaccine Summit hosted by the Government of Japan and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance on June 2nd. 

We welcome the strong leadership shown by the Government of Japan in eliminating vaccine inequities in developing countries. This is an important commitment towards ensuring all countries have access to COVID-19 vaccines to protect their most vulnerable and at-risk populations. 

Whilst these commitments are an important step, there is still work to be done to ensure global vaccination coverage to help bring an end to this pandemic. In the run-up to the G7 Health Ministers' Meeting, the G7 Finance Ministers' Meeting and the G7 Leaders' Summit this week and next, governments must take urgent and ambitious action to ensure we have the financing and systems in place to make this a reality. Only then can we truly reset the trajectory towards a more equitable response. 

We call on the governments of Japan and other countries to fully fund the ACT Accelerator and urgently share a proportion of vaccine doses with COVAX to end the current pandemic, and to further accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to new diagnostic, therapeutic, and vaccine tools to prepare for new variants. To this end, we also call on governments to remove all barriers and support the sharing of technology, intellectual property, and data to expand the supply of vaccines.

〒101-0047 東京都千代田区内神田2-8-4 山田ビル4F