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・Save the Children has been working in Lebanon since 1953, supporting children and young people in education, child participation and protection, food security and livelihoods, and access to clean water and shelter.

・Save the Children’s programmes in Syria combine emergency and life-saving interventions with early recovery activities that support the restoration of basic services including child protection, education, emergency response, food security and livelihoods, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as health and nutrition.

・According to the Yemen Socio-Economic Update, domestic wheat production is limited and shrinking against the growing consumer needs. Thus, the sufficiency rate of wheat declined to less than 5%. To bridge the wheat food gap that is estimated at more than 3 million metric tons per annum, Yemen imports more than 95% of its wheat consumption needs from abroad.

・According to FAO estimates, wheat accounts for 51% of caloric intake of the Yemeni population. Yemen is a net-food-importing country. As such, Yemen’s population would suffer considerably at any increase in global food prices.

・Besides the actual conflict in Yemen, a number of factors have impacted including: the rapid currency depreciation that undermined purchasing power, air and sea port closures, lack of import financing support, soaring and volatile fuel prices and now the escalation in Ukraine. All of this has caused half of the population to go hungry, and today, we are anticipating a catastrophe, beyond anything we ever thought possible, to devastate the country irreparably.

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