【Application is closed.】In order to improve the food situation of children, Save the Children will provide "Food Box for Children" for low-income households

Save the Children provides Food Box for Children for low-income households with the aim of improving children's food and nutrition situation.  

-Application Outline-  

[Number of boxes to be distributed]


 * Recipients of the boxes will be selected by a draw if the number of eligible applicants exceed the number of boxes. 


(Application eligibility criteria 

Households that meet all of the following application criteria

(1)Reside in Japan

(2)Include dependent children between the ages of 0 and 18

(3)With income percent tax exempt households or equivalent 

Applicants who are in the process of applying for refugee status, provisional release, or displaced persons may apply even if they do not meet the income requirements.Please contact us for more information. 


Required documents

When applying, please take a photo of one of the following documents and attach it to the application form as a photo file or PDF file.

(1)Certificate of Child-rearing Allowance (児童扶養手当:Jidou Fuyo Teate)
(2)Tax Exemption Certificate for 2022(非課税証明書:Hikazei shoumeisho)   and childs insurance card(健康保険証:KenkouHokensho)*1
(3)Certificate of public welfare assistance(生活保護受給者証:Seikatsuhogo jyukyusyasyo


*1  If there are two parents (caregivers), please attach Tax Exemption Certificate  for each of them.  please attach child’s insurance cards for all of children.

* We may contact you at a later date in case we have questions regarding the documents you have submitted.

If you are unable to prepare any of the above documents, please contact us using the inquiry form below.



[Content of the box] * The content is subject to change.

Food and daily necessaries, information provision (1 set per household)

Food set (5 kg of rice, noodles, retort pouch food as a side dish, seasonings, sweets, etc.)

*We are not able to accommodate individual needs related to allergies. If you have any food allergies, please check the product label before consuming. It is the responsibility of the recipient to manage the hygiene of the food items after receiving and to deal with allergies that could be caused by them.

Daily necessaries (soap, stationaries)

Leaflets for children's psychosocial care, etc.

Food items contained in this box are provided by companies who have agreed with the purpose of the "Summer Vacation Children's Food Box".



[Application period]

Monday, June 13, 2022, 10:00 a.m. - Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 12:00 a.m. (noon)


[How to apply]

Please apply using this form

*Application form will open on June 13th.

If you have difficulty completing the form, or if, for any reason, you would like a proxy to apply on your behalf, please contact us using the inquiry form below.


[From application to shipping]

Recipients of the boxes will be selected by a draw among the eligible applicants who if the number of applicants exceed the number of boxes, and the boxes will be sent by the end of July to the selected recipients.


[contact information]

Please contact us using the Save the Children Japan "Childs’s Food Support Box" inquiry form.


[Protection of personal information disclaimer ]
Save the Children takes the protection of your personal information very seriously. We treat your personal information as confidential and will handle it in accordance with personal information protection legislation as well as with the terms of this statement.

Save the Children Japan takes Personal information submitted on the application form for this project, by e-mail, telephone, etc., will be used for the purpose of implementing this project, conducting questionnaires, and providing information on other activities of the Save the Children to applicants, and will be managed and stored by Save the Children with responsibility. In implementing this project, a confidentiality agreement for personal information will be signed with Intercrew Advance Ltd. to which packing and shipping operations, etc. will be outsourced. The company and its subcontractors will disclose the address, name, and telephone number (hereinafter referred to as "address and other information") as personal information necessary for shipping, and this information will be used only for the purpose of packing and shipping, and the disclosed address and other information will be deleted upon completion of this work. In addition, Save the Children  may outsource the handling of personal information submitted by applicants to companies with whom it has concluded subcontracting agreements for the translation and tabulation work necessary for the implementation of this project, but will not provide personal information to any other third party without the applicant's consent. Your personal information will be protected under the Save the Children Japan's privacy principles. The information submitted by applicants may be used by Save the Children for statistical analysis, activity reports, public relations activities, social awareness and policy recommendations, etc., but will not be disclosed in any way that identifies individuals. Please click here to view our privacy policyhttps://www.savechildren.or.jp/privacy_policy/

〒101-0047 東京都千代田区内神田2-8-4 山田ビル4F