2019年 自然災害で1,200人以上が犠牲に-アフリカ東部・南部
- ケニア
国連気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC:Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)が発表した報告書では、これらの地域における気温上昇は気候変動によるものといういつくもの証拠が示されています。そして、気温上昇が干ばつや洪水をさらに深刻にしています5。
[1] In South Sudan, 6.35 million people (54% of the population); Zimbabwe, 3.58 million people (25% of the population); Sudan, 5.8 million people (14% of the total population); Somalia, 2.1 million people (14% of the population); Zambia, 2.3 million people (13% of the population); Ethiopia, 6.7 million people (6% of the population); Malawi, 1.12 million people (6% of the population); Kenya 3.1 million people (6% of the population); Mozambique, 1.6 million people (5% of the population); Madagascar, 916,201 people (3% of the population) are experiencing Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above).
[2] 10% of total under 18 population of the 10 countries [162,370,000]; population data from UNICEF population statistics – under 18 demographics and the World Bank
[3] A total of 1,272 deaths were found in publicly available data from 2019 which are the direct result of floods, landslides and cyclones in east and southern Africa: Mozambique 648 deaths; Zimbabwe 339 deaths; Kenya 95 deaths [source, source and source]; Sudan 78 deaths; Malawi 60 deaths; Ethiopia 30 deaths [source and source] Somalia 22 deaths;
[4] IPCC SPECIAL REPORT Global Warming of 1.5°C pg. 260 states temperatures have been rising in the subtropical regions of southern Africa at approximately twice the global rate over the last five decades (Engelbrecht et al., 2015).
[5] As per [4] pg. 197 Box 3.1 Sub-Saharan Africa: Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes.
[6] UNICEF – Children, Environment and Climate change
[7] As per [3]
[8] 33,566,000 people at IPC 3+, of total 334,096,000 people living in the 10 countries
[9] As per [2]
[10] Latest cross-regional figures available from Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) Mid-year figures January 2019 – June 2019. Half-year data available for Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Mozambique, Sudan, Malawi and Zimbabwe only. All figures on page 4.
[11] A total of 1,023,000 displacements between January and June for Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Mozambique, Sudan, Malawi and Zimbabwe only, per [10] page 4.
[12] https://www.newscientist.com/article/2200925-cyclone-kenneth-is-one-of-the-strongest-storms-to-hit-mainland-africa ; https://theconversation.com/why-the-indian-ocean-is-spawning-strong-and-deadly-tropical-cyclones-116559
[13] 1,021,600 total IDPs across the seven of the ten countries as a result of non-conflict disasters in 2018 [Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) 2018 Report]
[14] Based on estimates of most recent UN IDP figures for South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya
国連気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC:Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)が発表した報告書では、これらの地域における気温上昇は気候変動によるものといういつくもの証拠が示されています。そして、気温上昇が干ばつや洪水をさらに深刻にしています5。
- ●モザンビーク、ソマリア、ケニア、スーダン、マラウイでは、サイクロンや洪水、地滑りにより少なくとも1,200人が犠牲になりました7。ただし、この犠牲者数には、干ばつの影響により死亡した人たちは含まれていません。
- ●マダガスカル、マラウイ、モザンビーク、ザンビア、ジンバブエ、南スーダン、スーダン、エチオピア、ソマリア、ケニアの10ヶ国では、平均して人口の1割にあたる人々が深刻な食料不足に陥るなど、天候に起因する危機に直面しています8。なお、この中には、10ヶ国あわせて1億6,200万人の18歳未満の子どもたちが含まれており、さらに、このうち1,600万人以上の子どもたちは、現在、危機的なあるいは非常事態といえるレベルの食料不足に直面していると考えられています9。
- ●上記の結果、多くの人々が生活のために移動し、子どもが家族と離散、学校に通えなくなることで、子どもたちが搾取される危険が増しています。2019年6月までに、7ヶ国で100万人以上が居住地からの移動を余儀なくされました。そのうちの半数以上は、サイクロン「イダイ」と「ケネス」の直撃を受けたモザンビーク、ジンバブエ、マラウイで起こりました。モザンビークでは、史上初めて同時期にサイクロンが2つ上陸し、いずれもアフリカ大陸全体として、史上最強のサイクロンでした12。また、2019年6月までに、アフリカ東部と南部地域において、自宅から避難を余儀なくされた人の人数は、前年に避難を強いられた人数(約102万人)と同数に達しましたが13、これとは別途、2019年後半にはソマリアやエチオピア、ケニア、南スーダン、スーダンを襲った洪水により110万人以上14が避難を強いられました。そのため、2019年の避難者数は、2018年の2倍にのぼると予想されています。
[1] In South Sudan, 6.35 million people (54% of the population); Zimbabwe, 3.58 million people (25% of the population); Sudan, 5.8 million people (14% of the total population); Somalia, 2.1 million people (14% of the population); Zambia, 2.3 million people (13% of the population); Ethiopia, 6.7 million people (6% of the population); Malawi, 1.12 million people (6% of the population); Kenya 3.1 million people (6% of the population); Mozambique, 1.6 million people (5% of the population); Madagascar, 916,201 people (3% of the population) are experiencing Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above).
[2] 10% of total under 18 population of the 10 countries [162,370,000]; population data from UNICEF population statistics – under 18 demographics and the World Bank
[3] A total of 1,272 deaths were found in publicly available data from 2019 which are the direct result of floods, landslides and cyclones in east and southern Africa: Mozambique 648 deaths; Zimbabwe 339 deaths; Kenya 95 deaths [source, source and source]; Sudan 78 deaths; Malawi 60 deaths; Ethiopia 30 deaths [source and source] Somalia 22 deaths;
[4] IPCC SPECIAL REPORT Global Warming of 1.5°C pg. 260 states temperatures have been rising in the subtropical regions of southern Africa at approximately twice the global rate over the last five decades (Engelbrecht et al., 2015).
[5] As per [4] pg. 197 Box 3.1 Sub-Saharan Africa: Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes.
[6] UNICEF – Children, Environment and Climate change
[7] As per [3]
[8] 33,566,000 people at IPC 3+, of total 334,096,000 people living in the 10 countries
[9] As per [2]
[10] Latest cross-regional figures available from Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) Mid-year figures January 2019 – June 2019. Half-year data available for Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Mozambique, Sudan, Malawi and Zimbabwe only. All figures on page 4.
[11] A total of 1,023,000 displacements between January and June for Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Mozambique, Sudan, Malawi and Zimbabwe only, per [10] page 4.
[12] https://www.newscientist.com/article/2200925-cyclone-kenneth-is-one-of-the-strongest-storms-to-hit-mainland-africa ; https://theconversation.com/why-the-indian-ocean-is-spawning-strong-and-deadly-tropical-cyclones-116559
[13] 1,021,600 total IDPs across the seven of the ten countries as a result of non-conflict disasters in 2018 [Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) 2018 Report]
[14] Based on estimates of most recent UN IDP figures for South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya