Save the Children Cash Assistance 2023 for New Students:
Application starts on January 18

Save the Children Cash Assistance 2023 for New Students
We provide a part of the expenses associated with new enrollments

Save the Children is a non-profit international organization that supports children. For families with financial difficulties, we will provide a portion of the costs associated with enrolling in junior high school and high school this spring. We are accepting applications from January 18. 

【Application guidelines】
Application guidelines can be downloaded from the link below. Please be sure to read the application guidelines carefully and make sure that your child is eligible before applying.

日本語/やさしいにほんご/English / 中文 / Português / Español / Tiếng Việt

【Target Areas】 Nationwide (with residency in Japan)

【Assistance Details】
For each eligible child, we will provide a portion of the costs associated with graduation and new enrollment.
1st year of junior high school: 30,000 yen for 250 students
1st year of high school: 50,000 yen for 500 students
* This is a grant assistance, and you are not required to pay back.
* It is also possible to apply for more than one child who are starting school(s) in the relevant grades. However, please note that each application will be reviewed separately based on the conditions of the child and we may not able to provide assistance to all of the children from the same household.

【Application Period】
12:00 on January 18th (Wednesday) 2023 to 23:59 on February 8th (Wednesday), 2023

*Application will be accepted through the online form starting on January 18 at noon.
*Please note that applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted, no matter what the reasons are.

【Eligibility requirements】
* Families receiving Seikatsu Hogo (public assistance) are not eligible for this cash assistance.
* The eligible child must be scheduled to enter a junior high school or high school, etc., in Japan in April 2023 at the time of application.
* The eligible child must reside in Japan and all of the A to C eligibility criteria below must be met.

A. The household must meet the income criteria
B. The current living condition must fall under any of 1 to 5 of B 
C. The household is facing difficulties in preparing the expenses needed for graduating and entering a new school
* If the parent or guardian has a difficulty applying, it is possible for the municipal government, civil society organizations, or the school to apply as a proxy. . The same application form is to be used in this case. Please contact us separately, if you have any questions.
* If we receive exceeding numbers of eligible applications, recipients will be decided via an internal selection process.
* Children eligible for 1st grade in high school are those under the age of 18 (born on or after April 2nd, 2005) who are entering high school for the first time.
* In addition to public schools (prefectural or municipal), private schools, special education schools, alternative schools, correspondence high schools, part-time high schools, secondary schools and vocational high schools, etc. (Article 1 schools: the schools stipulated in Article 1 of the School Education Act), “schools” include non-Article 1 miscellaneous schools and international schools.

<Eligibility Criteria A - C>
※Please refer to the application guidelines for more details.
A. Income Criteria (Household must meet any of the conditions (1) to (3) below)
(1) Fiscal 2022 tax-exempt households or households receiving full child support allowance
The total annual income for the parent/guardian of the household in 2021 is within Table A.

(2) Household with sudden changes in household finances in 2022 (e.g. loss of income) and income for 2022 was within the limit indicated in Table A. 
The total annual income for the parent/guardian of the household in 2022 is within Table A.

(3) Households receiving a disability pension or survivors’ pension, and the combined income for 2021 was within the limit indicated in Table B.
The parent/guardian of the household is in receipt of a disability pension or survivors’ pension, and income for 2021 (including pensions) are within the limited indicated in Table B below.

※Even if your household's annual income is within the above mentioned criteria, if the difference between the household earnings and the adjusted income is large, you may not be eligible for the cash assistance 2023.

B. Conditions Pertaining to Current Living Conditions Must satisfy any of the conditions below.

1. The child concerned or a parent/guardian or family member living in the same household lives with an illness or disability and require support or nursing care due to difficulties in daily life.

2. The child concerned plays the role of and accepts the responsibilities normally entrusted to adults, and takes care of a parent/guardian, sibling, grandparent, or other person living in the same household on a daily basis.
* The term "care" mentioned here includes housework, looking after family members, nursing care and emotional support.

3. The child concerned and either one or both parents/guardians (both in families with two parents) do not speak Japanese as a mother tongue and are in receipt of support due to difficulties communicating in Japanese for everyday life (difficulty taking part in daily conversation).
* A recommendation from a supporter (civil society organization, school, government, etc.) is required for this.
* Apply under [5. None of the Above Apply] if a recommendation cannot be submitted.

4. The status of residence for the child concerned and his/her parents/guardians is unstable (on provisional release or have no nationality, etc.), and they are unable to receive public support.

5. None of the Above Apply
* In the event of none of the above applies due to reasons that need to be taken into consideration, you may apply under condition [5].
This includes, but not limited to the following conditions:  it not possible to receive the recommendation of the supporter as required for [3], regularly being late for or absent from school due to taking care of a younger sibling on a daily basis, school performance being hindered due to deteriorating results, or it being necessary to live separately due to domestic violence or abuse. Please refer to the [Q & A for Frequently Asked Questions] page ( Japanese only) for more information. However, there are cases in which applicants may not be deemed eligible depending on the details provided when applying under condition [5]. Please note that the final decision will be made during our internal selection process.

C. Conditions Pertaining to School Entry Expenses Incurred
It is difficult to prepare the expenses needed for graduating from current school and enroll in a new school
* Please provide  details on the reasons why it is difficult to prepare the expenses on the application form.

【How to apply】
The application is accepted via online application form only. Please read “application guidelines” for more details.

★Application Form is HERE
*Application will be accepted through the online form beginning January 18 at noon.

*Please Note:
You can access the application form in English  from the top of the form in Japanese. Please access to the form in Japanese first, then click “in English”.

【If you have any question, please contact us through Inquiry Form】

Cash Assistance 2023 for New Students, Domestic Division, Save the Children Japan
Inquiry Form: 
4F Yamada Bldg, 2-8-4 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047
Tel: 03-6859-0398 (Weekdays 08:30 to 18:30), Fax: 03-6859-0069
* You are requested to send all inquiries via the inquiry form or by e-mail. Responses to inquiries in languages other than Japanese or English may take longer to reply.


〒101-0047 東京都千代田区内神田2-8-4 山田ビル4F