
(English follows)

公益社団法人セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン(理事長 井田純一郎、本部:東京都千代田区、以下「セーブ・ザ・チルドレン」)とソニーグループ株式会社(以下、「ソニー」)は、この度「新型コロナウイルス・ソニーグローバル支援基金」を通じたパートナーシップを締結します。




ソニーグループ株式会社 執行役 専務 神戸司郎氏は、以下の通り、本パートナーシップ締結について述べます。

セーブ・ザ・チルドレンとソニーとは、2011年に東日本大震災復興支援として「RESTART JAPAN 支援プロジェクト※1」を立ち上げ、2016年には熊本地震をきっかけとして「子どものための災害時緊急・復興支援ファンド※2」を共同設立、2021年には災害などに強い「レジリエントなコミュニティづくり」を目指したパートナーシップ※3を締結するなど、積極的に次世代を担う子どもたちの支援を行ってきました。

「For the Next Generation」をスローガンに次世代を担う子どもたちを長年支援してきたソニーと、「子どもの権利が実現されている世界の実現」をビジョンに掲げるセーブ・ザ・チルドレンは、本パートナーシップによりさらに連携を強化し、今後も子どもたちが安心・安全に過ごせる社会の実現に向けてともに取り組みを進めていきます。

※1 2011年から2016年にかけて「RESTART JAPAN支援プロジェクト」を通じ、東日本大震災の被災地の子どもたちの保護とケア、教育、創造的活動を重点としたさまざまなプログラムを実施しました。
※2 「子どものための災害時緊急・復興支援ファンド」を通じ、2016年以降の国内外の災害において約1.6億円を拠出し、支援物資の配布、「こどもひろば」の開設などの支援活動を行ってきました。詳細はこちら(https://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/csr/ForTheNextGeneration/emergencyfund/)をご覧ください。
※3 「レジリエントなコミュニティづくり」を目指す活動として、災害対応能力や安全管理体制の強化、安全な学習環境の整備、行政や地域コミュニティとの連携強化などを実施してきました。詳細はこちら(https://www.savechildren.or.jp/sp/news/index.php?d=3503)を御覧ください。

公益社団法人セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン 広報室
TEL: 03-6859-0011 E-mail: japan.press@savethechildren.org

Sony Group and Save the Children
Promoting the protection and resilience of children and youth

Tokyo, Japan - Save the Children Japan ("Save the Children") announced that Save the Children and Sony Group Corporation ("Sony") have entered into an agreement to launch a new partnership through the "Sony Global Relief Fund for COVID-19".
Under the new partnership, Save the Children receives approximately US million in total over three-year period from 2024 to support activities to address child poverty through the project of Cash Assistance for Children to economically disadvantaged families in Japan, and to address child protection issues and to build resilience of children and youth in Bangladesh and Mozambique.

Child poverty remains a serious issue in Japan due to the aftermath of COVID-19 pandemic and the rising cost of living. In response to the situation, Save the Children implements the nationwide project "Cash Assistance for Children - Support for New Enrollment" to new first-year junior high and first-year high school students, those who are from households with economic and living difficulties. The project aims to reduce the financial burdens of educational expenses on households, and to leverage voices for policy recommendation against child poverty.

In foreign countries, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the contraction of economic activities and prolonged school closures, has led to the loss of learning and employment opportunities for children and youth. Particularly in Bangladesh, which is highly affected by climate change and refugee influx, and in Mozambique affected by climate change and conflicts, there are a myriad of interconnected challenges, necessitating a cross-sectoral approach. In response to this situation, Save the Children is dedicated to strengthening systems in the child protection and education sectors, while concurrently implementing initiatives aimed at enhancing the resilience of children and youth.

“Sony is proud to collaborate with Save the Children to support child poverty issue in Japan due to the pandemic as well as protecting and improving resilience of children and youth overseas.  Established in April 2020, 'Sony Global Relief Fund for COVID-19' has supported those affected by the pandemic in the areas of 'medical,' 'education' and 'creative communities'.  Through the partnership with Save the Children, we will further support efforts to address social issues that have become more serious or apparent since the outbreak of COVID-19,” said Shiro Kambe, Senior Executive Vice President, Sony Group Corporation.

In 2011, Sony and Save the Children jointly launched the RESTART JAPAN Support Project*1 to support rebuilding after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Then, in 2016, after the Kumamoto earthquake, the two organizations launched the Emergency Disaster and Recovery Fund for Children*2. Then, in 2021 the two organizations to Jointly Promote Development of Resilient Communities Against Disasters*3. In those cases, Sony and Save the Children sought to actively support children, who will grow up to shape the future of the world. 

Sony has supported children for many years under the slogan “For the Next Generation,” and Save the Children’s vision is to make children’s rights to survival, development, protection and participation a reality worldwide. They hope to further strengthen their collaboration through this partnership by working together to build a world where every child can be safe and enjoy peace of mind.

*1: The RESTART JAPAN support project, which ran from 2011 to 2016, conducted various programs helping protect and care for children in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, with a focus on education and creative activities. 
*2: The Emergency Disaster and Recovery Fund for Children has contributed nearly 160 million yen for disaster relief around the world starting in 2016, distributing relief supplies and conducting other support initiatives such as opening Child Friendly Spaces. See the following link for further details:
*3: To Jointly Promote Development of Resilient Communities Against Disasters project is strengthening disaster preparedness in local communities and schools, thereby helping to provide reliability and safety for children. See the following link for further details:

About Save the Children
Save the Children is an international NGO that works to make children’s rights to survival, development, protection and participation a reality worldwide. Established in the UK in 1919, it is currently active in supporting children in nearly 120 countries.

Media Inquiries
Media and Communications, Save the Children Japan
Tel: +81-3-6859-0011, Email: japan.press@savethechildren.org

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