トップページ > スタッフブログ > 提言・声明 > 【声明】G7広島サミット:人道危機への210億ドルの誓約を歓迎、保健・教育への行動は不足



(English follows)




セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパンのアドボカシー部長 堀江由美子は、次の通り訴えます。






また、紛争や自然災害などの緊急期・長期化する危機下における教育支援を行う唯一の国連の基金である「教育を後回しにはできない基金(Education Cannot Wait(以下ECW)」が言及されたことを評価します。




Statement: Save the Children welcomes G7's 21 billion dollars humanitarian funding commitment but regrets inaction on health and education

On 20th May, 2023, the annual Summit of the leaders of the world’s seven richest countries (G7 Summit) issued the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communique in Hiroshima, Japan. 


Save the Children welcomes the importance placed on peace and global cooperation in the G7 Leaders’ Communique. Millions of children are living in conflict-affected areas, putting them at risk of both physical, mental and psychosocial harm.Conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts are key to improving the lives of this and future generations of children. We further welcome the commitment to provide over billion to address humanitarian crises this year, including the hunger crisis.


However, we are discouraged by the lack of clear, actionable commitments in the areas of health and education. We are now past the halfway mark towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and there is absolutely no time to waste. 


Save the Children Japan’s Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaign, Yumiko Horie said:


“G7 leaders did not demonstrate a clear enough commitment to children around the world. We are disappointed by the lack of concrete, actionable commitments from the G7 with regards to achieving universal health coverage (UHC).

Children’s survival depends on the strengthening of health systems through a primary health care approach, including the provision of essential health and nutrition services accessible to all and building the capacity of community health workers and frontline health workers.

While we welcome the language in the Leaders’ Communique which show support for these areas, leadership is needed now in order to turn these words into action and achieve real change at the upcoming UN High-level meeting on UHC, taking place in September.

It is also disappointing that no new pledges were made to finance the much-needed global health efforts, such as increasing support to resource-constrained countries, and filling the financial gaps of the Global Financing Facility.

Additionally, we had urged the Japanese government to address education in emergencies. We welcome that ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education was addressed as a separate paragraph, and that the importance of education, including education for all children, was clearly stated in the Leaders’ Communique.

We further welcome the recognition of the need to support "Education Cannot Wait", a UN fund to support education in emergencies and protracted crises, such as conflicts and disasters.

However, considering that 222 million crisis-affected children and adolescents are in need of education support and 130 million girls remain without access to education2, we regret that G7 leaders have not pledged specific funding for education.

At the time of publishing this statement, t
he Japanese government have not yet committed to its first contribution to “Education Cannot Wait”, remaining as the only G7 country which has not done so. Furthermore, G7 leaders failed to encourage all countries to endorse and implement the
Safe Schools Declaration."

Overall, the G7 discussed important issues at the Hiroshima Summit, but unfortunately has not shown enough commitment to bringing urgently needed change to the world's children. We need action and financing to tackle the ongoing poly-crisis, and we need the world’s most powerful countries to demonstrate political will and to take the lead.”

1. Stop the War on Children: A crisis of recruitment, Save the Children (2021)
2. The world is failing 130 million girls denied education, OHCHR (23 Jan 2023)




